About Us - YJ Display Co, Ltd
YJ Display Co, Ltd

YJ Display is part of the JHT Group Limited a Pos Display & Packaging business specifically developed through very particular acquisition, ,we are an enthusiastic and professional company dedicated to provide innovative and various POP displays for customers. YJ Display is both the designer & Manufacturer controlling the entire processes in house. We paying efforts on every procedure of production to make sure all the product are under the finest quality, that make us as a sincere supplier of some famous companies, such as P&G, Disney, WAL-MARTand so on, As an innovative and creative design led business, whether it's an industrial or retail packaging design, a promotional (POS) display or another innovative project, we are here to help. Your corrugated POP display solutions can be delivered flat packed, or as a pre-filled corrugated display whatever suits your purpose best.

YJ Display Cardboard Display Stand Equipment
Mal-fehim li l-klijenti jagħmlu deċiżjonijiet ta 'xiri l-aktar ibbażati fuq il-perċezzjoni tal-prodott u l-apparenza, aħna konvinti li n-negozji kbar jew żgħar għandu jkollhom aċċess għal opportunitajiet indaqs meta marketing products.we tagħhom noffrulkom konsistenti, soluzzjonijiet effettivi biex jilħqu l-għanijiet tiegħek fuq il- ispiża l-aktar effettivi, ħin modi effettivi effettivi u riżorsi.
Li jiddiskuti rekwiżiti tiegħek, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana issa.
Phone: + (00) 86-755-21380510 | email: sales@popjn.com
YJ Display Co, Ltd

B1 Building,No.
4 Yangchong Road,Baoan District,
Shenzhen, 518127 PR.China.
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