Servei - IJ Display Co, Ltd
IJ Display Co, Ltd
As a full solutions provider, functionality and design are not mutually exclusive, and YJ Display proudly combines the two in every order created. Your custom artwork design will be high class, elegant, and done to your specifications, and the structural integrity of the the display and box itself will be made of the highest materials.

Why Choose YJ Display For Your POS Solutions

1- Creative Design

•- The full creative package with cost-consciousness at the fore!

•- Highly trained and experienced POS Industry Designers.

•- 3D Studio Max for visualization of all design ideas.

• - Artworking to client requirements as needed.

• - The goal is to produce excellence in retail every time!


2- From Concept to Completion

•We understand how to take Creative Design ideas through to the end product.

•Our Engineers work with 3D Solidworks to draw up the required CAD and DXF files.

•Our industry experienced CAD development engineers work closely and seamlessly with our manufacturing team.

•Proximity of engineering and manufacturing staff in the same facility at our UK plant makes for quick, reliable decision making on all projects!

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3- Manufacturing

Our facilities include Cardboard, Metal, Acrylic and Print Fabrication.

•Printing  •Surface Processing  •Laminating  •Die Cutting  •Quality inspection

-all process from material, corrugated cardboard, die-cutting, printing etc. until delivery also have inspection.

1) Flat-Packing: flat folded flat one or more set into a box,To save transportation space compression effect, the transportation cost.

2) Solid packing: No need to assemble, the three-dimensional finished goods shipped, save the installation time, immediately put in use.

3) Semi solid packing: semi solid packaging will display assembling molding and immediately put into use.

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4- Delivery and Warehouse

We Ship Worldwide!

YJ Display located close by the Shenzhen port, it’s very convenient for us to ex-port the POS displays all. We provide ocean shipment, air shipment and express delivery, just according to your requirement.

We have a long-term partnerships to delivery to goods to all over the world that we can proof our goods is safely and speedy arrive customer request space

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En IJ Display fem servir el procés amb el nostre personal experimentat. Tota la planificació i citant projecte està gestionat pel nostre equip de gestió de projectes.
Això consisteix en el client i IJ Display discutir els resultats desitjats del client. Explicar a fons les seves necessitats i expectatives per al projecte, i IJ Display farà tot en el seu poder per completar-fins a l'últim detall.
Ara que s'ha assignat un "esborrany", IJ pantalla treballarà juntament amb vostè per decidir els elements que desitja que es modifiqui.
1, Flat-Embalatge: plana plegada en pla d'una o més conjunt en una caixa, Per guardar el transport efecte de compressió de l'espai, el cost de transport.
2, embalatge sòlid: No hi ha necessitat de muntar, els productes acabats tridimensionals enviats, estalvien el temps d'instal·lació, immediatament posar en ús.
3, embalatge sòlid Semi: embalatge sòlid semi mostrarà muntatge de model i posar immediatament en ús.
Gestionem el lliurament de tots els seus envasos i elements de la pantalla de la Xina a la seva adreça (o en qualsevol part del món) i / o directament a la botiga.
Per discutir les seves necessitats, si us plau, poseu-vos en contacte amb nosaltres ara.
Telèfon: + (00) 86-755-21380510 | correu electrònic:
IJ Display Co, Ltd

B1 Building,No.
4 Yangchong Road,Baoan District,
Shenzhen, 518127 PR.China.
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